Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Obama Signs Monsanto Protection Act

Barack Obama recently signed a bill into law that was written by the billion-dollar corporation that will benefit from it. The Monsanto Protection Act allows Monsanto to override United States federal courts on the issue of planting experimental genetically engineered crops all across the US. The government has no power whatsoever to stop Monsanto and other biotechnology corporations from  planting and harvesting. After Obama signed H.R. 933, the provision was final, there can be no litigation against these corporations at all. Corrupt food corporations are now allowed to plant and sell their genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and genetically engineered (GE) seeds. It wasn’t long ago that Monsanto rejected multiple studies on GMO crop risk. We are seeing the power of the fact that multinational corporations own the government. Here is a bogus quote from the Monsanto corp.
Opponents of agricultural biotechnology have repeatedly filed suits against USDA on procedural grounds in order to disrupt the regulatory process and undermine the science-based regulation of such products. These lawsuits have also created tremendous resources constraints for USDA and have resulted in significant delays in approval of new, innovative products that will help growers provide Americans with an abundant and economical food supply while remaining competitive in the world market. Activist groups have made it clear they will continue to use the court system to challenge regulatory approvals of corn, soybean and other biotechnology derived crops, and have openly stated their intention to use litigation as a way to impede the availability of new technology to growers and consumers  - Monsanto Corp
To reiterate, this new law forces the USDA to approve all GMO planting permits desired by the Monsanto corporation and other biotech firms no matter what. Is this really a democracy? As large corporations are able to ultimately make decisions, the government just exists to give people the illusion that they make the decision. Barack Obama did not make this decision, the Monsanto corporation did. So who owns the Monsanto corporation then?
The Monsanto corporations major shareholder is Fidelity Investments, The Vanguard Group and State Street Corporation. All of these are major financial institutions. These three financial corporations have their hands in all industries and all major corporations that govern them. These three corporations also own ALL of the major biotechnology companies that manufacture GMOs like Amgen, Genentech, and Genzyme. Doesn’t that seem strange to you. Here we have major multinational corporations that are owned by major financial institutions. The major multinational corporations influence the government, and the major financial institutions own the corporations. So here we have a case of major financial institutions owning the government. We must then ask, who owns the major financial institutions? That’s easy, the federal reserve does. You have to look at the owners and creators of the money supply, which usually leads to a few families like the Rothchild’s and Rockefeller’s.
How much longer will we allow these ‘people’ to control our food supply? How much longer will we let them control medical research, the energy and financial industry? Why have we given our power away to a small group of people and the corporations they run? What is their history? What have they been involved in? How did this happen? Maybe these facts will push you to do your own research. The current human experience is one that is not resonating with many people, we are all waking up. Our consciousness is shifting, and awakening to new truths is playing a large role in shifting our perception. Shifting our perception alone is a starting point to creating global change. We are also recognizing that the key to change is love, peace, cooperation and acceptance. Nobody is forcing you to do anything, you always have a choice, and that includes the choices you make when it comes to your food.

via Collective Evolution
Barack Obama recently signed a bill into law that was written by the billion-dollar corporation that will benefit from it. The Monsanto Protection Act allows Monsanto to override United States federal courts on the issue of planting experimental genetically engineered crops all across the US. The government has no power whatsoever to stop Monsanto and other biotechnology corporations from  planting and harvesting. After Obama signed H.R. 933, the provision was final, there can be no litigation against these corporations at all. Corrupt food corporations are now allowed to plant and sell their genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and genetically engineered (GE) seeds. It wasn’t long ago that Monsanto rejected multiple studies on GMO crop risk. We are seeing the power of the fact that multinational corporations own the government. Here is a bogus quote from the Monsanto corp.
Opponents of agricultural biotechnology have repeatedly filed suits against USDA on procedural grounds in order to disrupt the regulatory process and undermine the science-based regulation of such products. These lawsuits have also created tremendous resources constraints for USDA and have resulted in significant delays in approval of new, innovative products that will help growers provide Americans with an abundant and economical food supply while remaining competitive in the world market. Activist groups have made it clear they will continue to use the court system to challenge regulatory approvals of corn, soybean and other biotechnology derived crops, and have openly stated their intention to use litigation as a way to impede the availability of new technology to growers and consumers  - Monsanto Corp
To reiterate, this new law forces the USDA to approve all GMO planting permits desired by the Monsanto corporation and other biotech firms no matter what. Is this really a democracy? As large corporations are able to ultimately make decisions, the government just exists to give people the illusion that they make the decision. Barack Obama did not make this decision, the Monsanto corporation did. So who owns the Monsanto corporation then?
The Monsanto corporations major shareholder is Fidelity Investments, The Vanguard Group and State Street Corporation. All of these are major financial institutions. These three financial corporations have their hands in all industries and all major corporations that govern them. These three corporations also own ALL of the major biotechnology companies that manufacture GMOs like Amgen, Genentech, and Genzyme. Doesn’t that seem strange to you. Here we have major multinational corporations that are owned by major financial institutions. The major multinational corporations influence the government, and the major financial institutions own the corporations. So here we have a case of major financial institutions owning the government. We must then ask, who owns the major financial institutions? That’s easy, the federal reserve does. You have to look at the owners and creators of the money supply, which usually leads to a few families like the Rothchild’s and Rockefeller’s.
- See more at: http://naturalhealthwarriors.com/obama-signs-monsanto-protection-act/#sthash.JJsFRpgo.dpuf


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