Monday, May 16, 2016

Barbara Boxer Meltdown Exposes Deep Divisions In Democratic Party

Tyler Durden's picture
"Let's hear it for Hillary Clinton," exclaimed Sen. Barbara Boxer, losing her cool after Bernie Sanders' supporters "bullied" her at the Nevada Democratic convention on Saturday. As BizPacreview reports, Boxer took the Las Vegas stage to raucous boos as her attempt to unify what is obviously as deeply divided a Democratic party as the mainstream would have everyone believe the Republican party is. "I'm for Hillary Clinton and she's for all of us,” she yelled. "Keep on booing and boo yourselves out of this election."
“I grew up in Brooklyn. I’m not afraid of bullies,” The California senator continued...

“We need civility in the Democratic Party. Civility."
The supporters of the Vermont socialist were still angered that their charge had lost the Nevada caucus and were having none of it.
She then tried reverse psychology on the angry crowd.
"When you boo me you’re booing Bernie Sanders. Go ahead. Bernie is my friend. You want to boo Bernie, boo me. Go on, you’re booing Bernie. You’re booing Bernie,” she said.
As the boos rained down on Boxer, her tone became more acrimonious as she began to reprimand the malcontents.
A party divided? It appears very much so. Or a nation disgusted at the cronyism of the status quo? After watching the clip above, it seems rather obvious.


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