Card Reader Issues In Kentucky Push Hillary Clinton Ahead Of Bernie Sanders – Pike County Votes Erased
Danny Co
The 2016 presidential election has already been filled with election board scandals,
controversy, and votes being lost all over the place. Tonight’s primary
election in Kentucky is not even fully over as of this writing, but the
controversy is truly heating up. At one point, card readers
malfunctioned and votes were fully erased from Pike County, Kentucky.
This ended up pushing Hillary Clinton ahead of Bernie Sanders and
angering a lot of voters.
At one point, Pike County actually had all of their data wiped away
and cleared out to represent all zeroes in the vote totals. Upon
returning, 20 percent of the total votes were missing and Clinton’s
numbers were pushed up over Bernie Sanders. image: [Image via WKYT]WKYT reported that the AP had actually “erased all votes from Pike County” and those numbers
pushed Clinton back up by over 4,000. The Pike County Clerk’s Office
said that there was an issue with one of their card readers, and it
ended up causing them to have a delay on their numbers.
Social media is losing their collective minds with this situation, and Pike County, Kentucky is said to be demanding a recount.
Apparently, it wasn’t just Pike County that was reporting some
problems in Kentucky as a number of others were having issues. Early in
the night, at least five Kentucky counties had some kind of technical problem and it caused issues with vote counts.
Pike County – Election official
Floyd County – Special or absentee ballot/One electioneering within 100 feet of polls
Rowan County – Election official and procedural question
Boyd County – Voting machine
Johnson County – Procedural question
As of 10:20 p.m. Eastern, Oregon Live was reporting that Hillary Clinton was leading
Bernie Sanders in Kentucky by a tally of 46.7 percent to 46.3 percent.
Some are stating it is too close to call with 99 percent of the votes
counted, but most believe that the issues in different counties are a
big problem.
No one really thought that Hillary Clinton had a chance in Kentucky due to her long-standing issues with the coal industry.
Many in Kentucky have personally and publicly spoken out against her
being voted in as the Democratic nominee and vowed to vote against her. image: [Photo by John Sommers II/Getty Images]WSAZ is now reporting that there are actually 31 Kentucky counties reporting election fraud from Tuesday’s primary. More than 76 reports of election fraud have been received from the 31 counties in the Kentucky Attorney General’s hotline.
Now, some on social media are saying that even though the numbers
seem too close to call, Hillary Clinton is still far enough ahead of
Bernie Sanders to take Kentucky. The problem here is if the numbers are
what they’re supposed to be.
Around five percent of voters are said to be listed as “Uncommitted”
or more of a “none of the above” type stance. That could end up meaning
that they voted for Clinton when they meant to vote for Sanders and vice
The serious issue at hand is that even if the erased votes from Pike
County are said to all be back and accounted for, are they accurate? How
will anyone know if they are? Will a recount even be considered?
No matter what ends up happening tonight in Kentucky, there are
likely going to be those that want a recount of some kind. The votes
being lost in Pike County, and different problems across multiple
Kentucky counties will have people wanting the result to be changed.
Hillary Clinton pulling ahead of Bernie Sanders hadn’t really happened
until the problems in Pike County, and it’s going to be interesting to
see what is done with the results once they’re in.
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