Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/16/2016 21:50 -0400
Having previously warned "an insurrection is coming," and that the establishment's "scorn for the will of the American people is mind-boggling," FOX News Judge Jeanine - the only media peronality who correctly predcted trump's ascent due to his position as a colective middle finger to the status quo - unleashed another tirade of reality checks for the establishment - this time aimed at Democrats...
“Hillary Clinton cannot be President of the United States, and if the establishment, including law enforcement, does not stop her – you have to,” Judge Jeanine Pirro said in her opening statement on Justice.Full opening statement...
This is not about politics, she urged. “It’s about preventing people who have no regard for the law, or you, for that matter, from running this country.”
Despite this election season’s anti-establishment sentiment, “Clinton is still in line to be coronated the Democratic nominee,” Judge Jeanine said.
But what is it that makes Clinton above the law? she questioned.
“The majority of Americans believe, and are right, that Hillary Clinton is untrustworthy, dishonest and a liar,” said Pirro.
"And don't give me that woman thing where it's time for a female president. Yeah, it is – but not her.”
Of all the Washington politicians who “walk into those hallowed chambers and proceed to line their pockets and their pensions and their campaign reelection coffers and walk out multi-millionaires, the Clintons are among the worst,” Judge Jeanine added.
“If the establishment is not willing to admit that no one is above the law and is not willing to garner justice, then ordinary Americans need to make sure the scales of justice are level for all of us.”
Full Transcript...
Hello, and welcome to Justice. I'm Judge Jeanine Pirro. Thanks for being with us tonight.
Hillary Clinton cannot be President of the United States, and if the establishment including law enforcement does not stop her – you have to.
This is not about politics. It's about you, your family, and this great nation. It’s about preventing people who have no regard for the law, or you, for that matter, from running this country.
At a time when just about everybody is fed up with establishment politicians, when two outsiders are winning epic contests against preordained presidential candidates, Hillary Clinton is still in line to be coronated the Democratic nominee for President of the United States.
How can the woman – who is under criminal investigation – who knows she's under criminal investigation, but lies to your face saying that she's not – continue on her path to the White House?
The majority of Americans believe, and are right, that Hillary Clinton is untrustworthy, dishonest and a liar. Hillary has danced with federal prosecutors for most of her career. She knows how to conceal, delete and destroy evidence – remember those pesky missing Rose Law Firm files? Not to mention 30,000 deleted emails… She lies so much she doesn't know the difference between the truth and a lie, and, like most liars, can’t even keep her stories straight.
Example: this week – in response to Hillary's claim that the FBI was doing a security inquiry on her private homebrewed server, one by the way conducted reportedly by over 100 FBI agents, FBI director Jim Comey says: security inquiry? I don't know that term. We investigate crimes. This is a law enforcement proceeding.
Now I told you that three months ago: now the cynics among you might say it's all political. But Jim Comey is appointed by Barack Obama. And is one of the most clearheaded, logical and honorable people in Washington – a trait somewhat foreign to that town.
And don't give me that woman thing where it's time for a female president. Yeah it is – but not her.
What makes you think electing this woman who's spent most of her career riding her husband’s coat tails is necessarily a good thing? Doesn't it depend on the individual man or woman? For those of you who think a woman will help other women – consider this: the Clinton Foundation - an organization over which the Clintons have control – pays female employees 38 cents less per dollar than males. So much for that old pay inequality thing.
Supporting women? Hillary made her bones creating the attack team on all the women who said Bill engaged in sexual activity, ranging from harassment to affairs to worse. If these women are all liars, why was Paula Jones awarded $850,000 from the Clintons? And Monica Lewinsky's dress – if only that blue dress could talk.
Which brings me to the Clinton Foundation, an alleged 501c3 not-for profit that I see as nothing more than a piggy bank for the Clintons, their friends and her presidential campaign.
Just this week – it was reported that this wonderful charitable organization gave $2 million to Bill's blonde divorcee friend, designated the energizer by the Secret Service when she visited him at home in Chappaqua when Hillary was on the road.
The report in The Wall Street Journal says money from the charity was actually given to a for-profit company partly owned by Ms. "Energizer". According to government watchdog groups, this may very well violate federal law. And consistent with past Clinton behavior, the destruction and/or removal of evidence begins.
Shortly after the grant, Ms. Energizer's company was reportedly removed from the Clinton Global Initiative's website. I'm sure it was an oversight, like the moneys from countries to the foundation when Hillary was Secretary of State, over whom her department made decisions that benefited them.
The Clintons have always been about the Clintons. Evidence: Benghazi. She lied about the video when she knew it was Al-Qaeda to benefit her politically. But even that doesn't matter as much as knowing there are men waiting for help on a rooftop for eight hours when that assault on the consulate took place. Remember that 2008 3 am phone call she wants you to believe shows that she is ready to protect us? That's baloney. She had a chance to prove it and she proved just the opposite. That her political future was more important than American lives.
And the woman has no shame claiming that the parents of Tyrone Woods and Shawn Smith are lying, not her, about what she said to them as their children’s bodies were brought into Andrews. The woman has never been able to keep her stories straight. From one Blackberry for convenience and then there were three, and then there were 30,000 emails destroyed – she engages in the destruction of evidence to protect herself, like those pesky lost Rose Law Firm emails.
And they are in it together. Bill just last week saying that email thing is kind of like a speeding ticket. No, Bill, it's got nothing to do with speeding tickets. It's got to do with espionage, conspiracy, destruction of evidence, concealment and risking the secrets of this great nation for the world to see. Russia has admitted it's got 20,000 of her emails. Guccifer says that hacking her emails was one of the easiest things he'd ever done.
So why do they get away with it? Why do they do things that if any of us – even a four-star general – does, would put us in jail? What is it about them that puts them above the law? I submit it is the people that are indebted to them, the people for whom the Clintons have done favors, the classic inside game.
For years, Americans working two and three jobs to support their families have watched as Washington politicians elected to represent us walk into those hallowed chambers and proceed to line their pockets and their pensions and their campaign reelection coffers and walk out multi-millionaires. The Clintons are among the worst.
If the establishment is not willing to admit that no one is above the law and is not willing to garner justice, then ordinary Americans need to make sure the scales of justice are level for all of us.
And that's my open.
* * *

h/t @Raven_PA_
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