Wednesday, February 12, 2014

2014 Worldwide Wave of Action: So what exactly are people doing?

The 2014 Worldwide Wave of Action (and here) begins ~April 4 on the anniversary of Martin King’s assassination by the US government (civil court trial verdict), with this operation completing ~July 4.
Purpose of this operation (more details here):
What people are doing: suggested actions here for consideration how to lead/participate in your own best way:
“On April 4th, we will launch the first phase of the Worldwide Wave of Action by gathering at Zuccotti Park and former occupation sites throughout the world to honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  At 6:05 pm CT, the time of his assassination, we will host vigil ceremonies and resurrect his spirit of nonviolent direct action.
People with opinions across the political spectrum are invited to unite and find common ground against corruption.  We will overcome divide and conquer propaganda by forming communities of support and compassion.  Together we will fight for freedom and begin engaging in a relentless campaign of nonviolent civil disobedience.  People will pledge to take part in whatever tactics they are interested in throughout a sustained three-month cycle.  Here’s a basic list of tactics…
> Mass gatherings, demonstrations;
> Marches, parades;
> Flash mobs, swarms;
> Shutdown harmful corporate and governmental operations;
> Worker Strikes;
> Hunger strikes;
> Sit-ins;
> Strategic defaults, debt strikes;
> Foreclosure prevention;
> Boycotting corrupt corporations;
> Move your money out of the big banks and the stock market;
> Use alternative currencies and economic systems;
> Cancel your cable television and support independent media;
> Use independent online tools that don’t sell your info / protect privacy;
> Online civil disobedience, Anonymous operations;
> Leak information on corruption;
> Use alternative energy;
> Build urban and hydroponic farms, or get your food from them;
> Support local businesses;
> Join local community organizations;
> Take part in food banks and help develop community support systems;
> Start or join intentional and autonomous communities;
> Experiment with new governing systems, Liquid Democracy;
> Host teach-ins;
> Organize socially conscious events;
> Make conscious media;
> Guerrilla postering, messages on money;
> Help inspiring groups and organizations spread their message;
> Random acts of kindness and compassion;
> Mass meditations, prayer sessions and spiritual actions.
You know what you can do to play a part. Do whatever you feel inspired to do. Amplify what you are already doing. Think about what you are willing to do to be the change we urgently need to see in the world, and then do it.
We look forward to seeing you in action!”
My recommendation for your action: Do what is both interesting/fun and what you feel strongly for. In any area you are effective, you will be opposed by the 1% oligarchs’ minions. This is part of the game, so be prepared to respond with fun and passion. Do not expect any visible results; Faith might be helpful.
And why do this? Simply, you seem to have these choices:
  1. Engage in Truth, Justice, Freedom that ends the crimes noted above in the operation’s purpose.
  2. Want the above, and hope someone else does the work.
  3. Accept your servility to the psychopaths who lie, loot, war-murder and use you as a stupid work animal.
Choose carefully. Life acts with justice (in the long term) and humor to give what you earn.


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