Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Clinton, Gates Foundations to Measure Progress by Women, Girls (Be wary when you see these guys together, imho)

Clinton, Gates Foundations to Measure Progress by Women, Girls
The Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton and Bill & Melinda Gates foundations are joining forces to collect and analyze data about the participation of women and girls in economic, social, political, and cultural life around the world.
As part of the Clinton Foundation's No Ceilings: Full Participation Project, the foundations will work with leading technology partners to collect data that illuminate the progress women have made — and the gaps that remain — since the United Nations issued the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action at its Fourth World Conference on Women in 1995. The partnership also will work to provide evidence of the strong connection between rights and opportunities for women and girls and prosperity, stability, and security around the world. The data will be released as part of a progress report in 2015 in advance of the twentieth anniversary of the Beijing Conference.
Launched in November 2013, the No Ceilings initiative aims to evaluate progress, chart a path forward, and mobilize the private sector, governments, civil society, and individuals around the full participation of women and girls in all aspects of community life. In December, the Wyss Foundation announced a $5 million commitment to the effort.
The latest partnership of the two foundations was announced during a discussion between former U.S. secretary of state Hillary Rodham Clinton and Gates Foundation co-chair Melinda Gates. "We have seen progress, but we have also seen that there is not an adequate base of information and evidence that we can draw conclusions from about how much progress has been made and what the gaps for action and decision making still are," said Clinton. "We want to be as specific as we can in really digging into what has happened between 1995 and now."
"Data makes a huge difference in terms of where you make investment," said Gates, "and where you can see that we're making progress and where we're not."


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