Friday, February 28, 2014

How To Make A Clove Compress For Toothaches

How To Make A Clove Compress For Toothaches

This natural remedy of how to make a clove compress for toothaches can feel like a lifesaver when you are in excruciating throbbing pain. This inexpensive temporary cure will help to relieve the pain before you make it to the dentist.

There are 3 forms in which you can use cloves to numb your aching nerve: Ground or powdered, whole cloves, or clove oil. A clove oil compress seems to work the best, especially if you’re too sore to put whole ones in your mouth.How To Make A Clove Compress For ToothachesA toothache is a dreadful thing that sends a lot of people running straight to the dentist. Unfortunately they have a nasty habit of striking in the night, thanks to changes in blood flow, and when the dentist’s office is closed. Or, you simply can’t make it to a dentist. Either way, cloves make an incredible (and inexpensive) home remedy for toothaches. Long before we had the dental care we have today, dentists used cloves to help pain because they contain eugenol, a powerful anesthetic and antiseptic that stops pain in its tracks and wipes out germs. Eugenol remains popular and effective even now, and is still used by dentists today in a purified form that separates it from the essential oil.
Ground: This is something that a lot of people have in their kitchen. First, rinse your mouth with warm salt water and wash your hands. Take a pinch of the ground cloves and apply it between the gum that is sore and your cheek. Your spit does the trick now, just wait while it mixes with the powder. The pain should subside rather quickly.
Whole: Rinse your mouth with warm salt water. Take 2 or 3 cloves and hold them in your mouth as close to the sore area as possible, and wait a few minutes until they start to soften. When they do get softer chew them lightly to release more of the oils, if you’re not too sore.


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