Sunday, February 16, 2014

‘Nothing will be fixed until [US] Criminals are arrested’: top US official

Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury, Associate Editor for the Wall Street Journal, and Senior Research Fellow at Stanford’s Hoover Institution. He writes (for years):
“Nothing will be fixed until [leading US] criminals are arrested and put on trial for treason… Americans have lost the rule of law.”
I agree.
Treason (and here) is the most fitting crime because every reason given by US oligarchs for the current wars were known to be false as they were told for UNLAWFUL wars that directly attack and kill US military.
The 2014 Worldwide Wave of Action (parts 1, 2) has objectives of:
Ready to stand for justice from lying sacks of spin criminals?
Ready to reclaim trillions looted by these asset holes?
Want to join us?
Explore here for ideas.


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