Most keyhole gardens are about 6 to 6 ½ feet in diameter,
so a typical person can comfortably reach the center for planting and
weeding. The outer walls are about two to three feet high, yielding a
no-stoop gardening experience. Some keyhole gardeners keep a shorter
outside wall but pile the soil up toward the central core in a cone
shape, which adds area for growing.
The walls of the garden can be built out of almost any available material. Stacked stone looks nice, as do logs notched and stacked in an octagonal shape. You can also build a brick wall or use interlocking concrete blocks, available at most landscaping stores. Look for blocks that can be used to build a curved wall for best results.
The walls of the garden can be built out of almost any available material. Stacked stone looks nice, as do logs notched and stacked in an octagonal shape. You can also build a brick wall or use interlocking concrete blocks, available at most landscaping stores. Look for blocks that can be used to build a curved wall for best results.
1. Prepare the space by cropping existing vegetation as close as possible, but leave the top soil alone.
1. Prepare the space by cropping existing vegetation as close as possible, but leave the top soil alone.
2. Mark the outline: pound a stake into
the center of the garden and tie a short length of non-stretchy rope
near the bottom. The rope should be your garden’s radius (half a
circle’s diameter) in length. For instance, if you’re building a 6½ foot
diameter garden, the rope should be 39 inches (3¼ feet) long. Then tie a
sharp stick or nail to the rope, pull it taut, and mark the garden’s
edges on the ground.
3. Draw a 1½ foot diameter circle around
the stake to mark the central core. Leave the stake and rope in place as
a guide for your walls. Then draw in the edges of the cut-out wedge,
connecting the inner and outer circles. Think about how and where you
want the wedge to be: if you plan to use the center basket to hold
kitchen scraps, you may want it facing your back door, for instance.
4. Next, build your walls. Slide the rope up the stake as you build to serve as a guide for keeping your outside wall in line.
5. For the central core, buy a small roll
of sturdy steel wire mesh, such as chicken wire, as wide or wider than
the walls are deep. Cut a length of the mesh and roll it into a tube
about 1½ feet in diameter, securing the top and bottom so it doesn’t
open back up. The size of the mesh isn’t critical, but an inch is
typical. Stand the core in the center of the garden, with one side
pressed up against the inner curve of the notch. Then make a pile of
rocks, in and around the cage on the bottom of the garden. The pile
should be about a foot high in the center, tapering down to a few inches
deep at the outside edge. This will help excess water drain away.
6. Fill with soil, and you’re ready to plant!
If you’re looking for a less permanent option or don’t want to build your own walls from scratch, you can buy a wall kit, such as the one made by Keyhole Farm. The metal conduit frame and rigid panels make it fast and easy to build a functional, bed and quickly begin planting.
If you’re looking for a less permanent option or don’t want to build your own walls from scratch, you can buy a wall kit, such as the one made by Keyhole Farm. The metal conduit frame and rigid panels make it fast and easy to build a functional, bed and quickly begin planting.
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