April 15, 2015 By
1. Wall Trellis
Use cattle pen panels to create a vertical garden trellis on a wall in your garden.
2. Contemporary Trellis Screen
Assemble garden trellis screens using a fine wire screen
sandwiched between two sections of cattle pen panel that are attached to
steel posts.
Photo by: altereco.net
3. Garden Greenhouse
Build an inexpensive greenhouse using standard cattle pen
panels, PVC pipe, and wood and other materials. Get the material list
and instructions from Gardening Green.
Photo by: gardening-green.blogspot.com
4. Cattle Pen Panel Fencing
Create sturdy and attractive fencing using wood and cattle
pen panels. The wood is drilled for the wire, and the wire is cut to
size. Add wood caps to the posts for added decor.
Photo by: deckmastersnw.com
5. Chicken Tractor
Build a hoop style chicken coop or chicken tractor using
galvanize step and cattle pen panels to form the hoop. This design is
sturdy, yet easy for one person to move. View detailed instructional
photos from raincreekpottery.com.
Photo by: raincreekpottery.com
6. Dog Run
Use cattle wire as fencing to make an attractive and affordable space for your dog to romp.
Photo by: Rose Peck
7. Shelter For Farm Animals
Make a quick shelter for farm animals using wooden pallets and cattle pen panels. For instructions, visit thefreerangelife.com.
Photo by: thefreerangelife.com
8. Cattle Pen Panels Moveable Goat Pen
Here’s an example of a moveable goat pen made from 16’x4’
cattle pen panels that are joined in the corners with rubber tarp
Photo by: noble.org
9. Super-Sturdy Tomato Cage
Make your own square, ventricle tomato cages with these instruction from Rodale’s OrganicLife.
Photo by rodalesorganiclife.com
10. Rounded Garden Trellis
Add beauty to your garden with these arched trellises.
Grow beautiful flowers or edibles. Plant seeds inside the archway and
guide them to grow up the trellis to create full shade. In this photo,
the gardener has loffah gourds growing in the front and cucumbers in the
Photo by: thinds.com
11. Triangular Garden Trellis
Photo by: Flick River
12. Squared Garden Trellis
Photo by: Chandra
13. Circular Garden Trellis
And another example where the cattle pen panels are pulled in more at the bottom to make the trellis more circular.
Photo by: rawfoodrehab.ning.com
14. Raised Bed Garden Trellis
Photo by: myurbanfarm.net
15. Balcony Trellis
A smaller trellis option for those space-challenged balcony farmers.
Photo by: lifeonthebalcony.com
16. Privacy Fencing
Photo by: Lauren Jolly Roberts
17. Gabion Retaining Wall
Use cattle pen panels to create custom gabon walls or gabon styled fencing.
Photo by: harrisonburgarchitect.wordpress.com
18. Never-Forget-Anything Clip Board
This photo shows how an old crib spring was used to create
this board, but cattle panels easily could be used for this. This is a
great way to display holiday cards, to pass memos and reminders to
family members, and to organize an office.
Photo by: homeroad.net
This tiny cottage makes use of the main house's bathroom (but will soon have its own). The 10' by 14' cabin also feels much larger with the employment of the ole "mirrored wall" trick. The room is all air conditioned- this IS Texas, fence repair
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