Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Fodder Feeding - Our family farm path to organic. 

Every excruciating detail, but I want you to see that it took me 22 minutes. When people complain about all the fuss, I want you to see it is 20 minutes, twice a day. We were using locally milled animal feed for our 25 chickens and 2 calves, and feed costs were killing us. We did not want to go to even cheaper feed, we wanted to go organic. I stumbled across a youtube video about fodder feeding, found an extremely helpful (and ongoing) thread at that gave me enough detail to jump in.
My calves and chickens are healthy and happy, and my feed bill saw such a drastic cut that I have switched to organic grains and still save money! (Shout out to for making organic grain affordable and available!)

I'm going to try this :) 


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