Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Water Plumes Discovered on the Solar System’s Largest Asteroid

The largest object in the asteroid belt, Ceres, is shooting out wisps of water at a prodigious rate. This unexpected finding allows Ceres to join other small bodies in the solar system, including Saturn’s moon Enceladus and Jupiter’s moon Europa, as an icy world with gushing jets.

Because of its mass, Ceres is classified as a dwarf planet, so it’s more like frozen Pluto and less like the lumpy potato-shaped objects that we typically think of as hanging out in the asteroid belt. Scientists have long suspected that the object contains an abundance of frozen water, roughly the same amount as all the fresh water on Earth. Recent observations with the European Space Agency’s Herschel space observatory showed for the first time unmistakable signatures of water vapor shooting out from Ceres.

Water jets have been spotted on asteroids and comets before, perhaps most famously on comet Hartley 2, which was photographed by NASA’s Deep Impact spacecraft as it flew by in 2010. Icy objects are known to heat up as they approach the sun, producing the watery outflow. Plumes on moons such as Encleadus and Europa are thought to form as tidal forces from the mass of Saturn and Jupiter squeeze and release the tiny worlds. But Ceres is not barreling toward our central star nor does it orbit close to a massive planet, which presents scientists with something of a conundrum: What is powering these jets?

It’s possible that sun is responsible for some of the activity. Like any object in orbit around the sun, Ceres swings closer and farther at different times. Herschel saw no plumes when Ceres was farthest from the sun. Scientists also suspect that decaying radioisotopes could be heating the asteroid’s subsurface, creating cryovolcanos, which act like normal volcanoes except that they spew ice and water vapor instead of molten rock.
The discovery of Ceres’ plumes comes at a fortuitous time. NASA currently has a probe, the Dawn spacecraft, speeding toward the object. Dawn will arrive and enter orbit around Ceres in 2015, giving researchers a front-row view of the activity. Dawn previously visited Vesta, the second largest object in the asteroid belt. These two worlds could not be more contrary to one another, with Vesta being a rocky world that has clear indications of heating and volcanic eruptions. Because both objects orbit out approximately 2.5 times the distance between the Earth and the sun, figuring out why one world is icy and the other rocky will be a major topic of Dawn’s research.
The current best guess for the two asteroids’ opposite appearance is that Ceres formed much farther out from the sun, where the colder environment allowed it to hold on to its ice. According to the Nice model of the solar system’s origin (named for the town in France, not the enjoyable formation scenario) the gas giants such as Jupiter and Saturn formed far from their current positions. As these enormous objects migrated around in the early solar system, they scattered everything else like billiard balls and caused objects such as Ceres and Vesta — which formed far from one another — to come much closer together.
Adam Mann
Adam is a Wired Science staff writer. He lives in Oakland, Ca near a lake and enjoys space, physics, and other sciency things.
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